Water shed is created when an area or land separates the water flowing to different rivers, basin and seas.
Water shed are of different types-
- Large water sheds-Contain well developed channel networks.
- Small water sheds-Contain dominant land phase.
- Urban watershed-It is dominated by building,roads,pavements.
- Agriculture water shed-
- Forest water shed-Evapotranspiration is the dominant component of the hydrologic cycle.
- Mountain water shed-mountain is the dominant component that separates the water flow.
- Desert water shed-Sand dunes sand mounds that are formed by blowing air causes separation of water flow.
- Coastal watershed-Coastal area may partly be urban and is dynamic contact with sea.The hydrology is influenced by tidal action.
Answer: Endocytosis brings materials to the inside of the cell while exo takes them out. Exoocytosis has the vesicle being formed in the golgi apparatus which then fuses with the membrane, while endo has the vesicle. formed from the cell membrane which then gets into the cytoplasm.
B. 25%
Assuming the trait for teeth size is represented by the allele A. large teeth size is dominant and will be represented by A while small teeth size will be represented by a.
Assuming that the population of 1,000 [piranhas are all heterozygotes and they crossbreed with one another:
Aa x Aa = AA, Aa, Aa and aa
The ration of piranhas with large teeth to that of the small teeth is 3:1 or 75:25.
Hence, about 25% of the next generation of the population is ecpected to have small teeth.
The correct option is B.