Because comets are darker colored so they need light to shine on them to be seen in the dark skies of space.
article 2
Article Two of the United States Constitution establishes the executive branch of the federal government, which carries out and enforces federal laws.
Rough endoplasmic reticulum differ from smooth endoplasmic reticulum by the presence and absence of ribosomes in their surface.
Rough endoplasmic is named so because RER contain ribosomes at their surface and due to the presence of ribosomes rough endoplasmic reticulum play an importnt role in protein synthesis or translation.
Whereas smooth endoplasmic reticulum does not contain any ribosome in its surface.smooth endoplasmic reticulum helps in the biosynthesis of lipid and steroids along with detoxification of toxic compounds.
All the cells in a person's body have the same DNA and the same genes. However, the difference between cells in different tissues and organs is that the "expression" of the genes differs between cells. ... For example, liver cells have different proteins than skin cells, even though their DNA is the same......this is a google search i hope it helps
Distribution of sunlight. Why is an organism's niche like a person's occupation? An organism can "make a living" and survive in its niche. a natural phenomenon that maintains Earth's temperature range.