Ss (male) × Ss (female)
This question involves a single gene coding for hair length in guinea pigs. Based on the information in this question, the allele for short hair (S) is dominant over the allele for long hair (s). This means that a guinea pig will only be phenotypically long-haired if the genotype is "ss".
According to this question, Two short-haired guinea pigs are mated several times. Out of the 100 offsprings produced by this cross, 25 of them have long hair (recessive). This means that the phenotypic ratio of this cross is 3 short hair : 1 long hair i.e. 100 - 25 = 75 short hair. 75/25 = 3/1 = 3:1
To produce this phenotypic ratio, the parents must both be heterozygous (Ss) for the hair length gene.
Meaning the most condensed and constructed region
Answer:DNA is shown to be the genetic material in bacteria and some phages.
DNA is shown to be present in mitochondria, chloroplasts and nucleus, where genetic function is performed
Specific genes can be isolated and spliced into bacterial DNA, which can be inserted into a bacterial cell, and then its genetic expression is monitored.
DNA and RNA are found to be the only macromolecules in eukaryotes that consist of a set of subunits which can combine in unique sequence
1. Lipds is another macro molecule with different subnits of fatty acids and glycerol,therefore the option ( DNA is found to be the only macro molecule in Eukaryotas that has different sub units) is WRONG.
2 The correlation of action and absorption spectra varies with different organisms DNA. e..g in viral cells there is a wide difference between the absorption and action spectra, that is no correlation, while some bacterial cells showed correlations. The option(For DNA, content in various cell types action and absorption spectra of ultraviolet light are correlated IS WRONG.
Malleable and ductile properties indeed help minerals useful. Both properties are useful because they help in transforming the shapes of minerals. Malleability is a useful property since it can be flattened or pounded by a hammer. Also, the ductile property makes it possible for the minerals to be stretched in the form of a wire. These two properties makes it useful for minerals.
Malleable and ductile properties indeed help minerals useful.
Both properties help in transforming the shapes of minerals.
Malleability is a useful property since it can be flattened or pounded by a hammer.
The ductile property makes it possible for the minerals to be stretched in the form of a wire.