The following are key characteristics of ape skulls that human skulls do not have:
(1) Prognathic Jaws: A chimpanzee’s maxilla (upper jaw) and mandible (lower jaw) protrude significantly. Typically, the bone from the nose to the tip of upper teeth extrudes out at about a 45 degree angle, whereas a line drawn from the nose to the chin of a typical human is vertical or concave.
(2) Large Brow Ridges above the eye sockets. Humans have negligible brow ridges.
(3) Absent or small laid back forehead: Apes lack significant vertical foreheads. Humans have large vertical foreheads, which provide room for the much larger frontal lobeof our brains. This is an important difference, as the large frontal lobe of the human brain allows us the ability to make decisions and solve problems. It also controls our behaviors, voluntary movements, emotions, and consciousness. Without a forehead, an animal would not have room for a large frontal lobe, and could not perform functions that differentiate animals from humans. The ability to make tools, improve on them, and the ability to remember how to make them, wouldn’t be possible without a forehead and large frontal lobe.
(4) Small Ovoid or Flat Cranium that houses their much smaller brains. Human adult craniums are about two to three times the volume of ape craniums. Ape craniums are narrower than the lateral extents of the eye sockets, whilst human craniums are far wider then the outer extend of their eye sockets.
Cancer cells can reproduce rapidly because they spend less time in interphase.
Due to the new faults in the gene and mutations cancer cell results in faster growth. And also can spread all over the body. So as become resistant to the treatments. Cancer cells avoids the signals and keep on destroying the body cells. They never undergo apoptosis when should go, so they are referred as the immortals. These cells use body’s protein and fat as fuel to undergo their processes in the absence of sugar. Excess sugar also acts as fuel for the growth of the cancer cells.
adefective adrenal gland can lead to oversecretion of growth hormones
Answer and Explanation:
The pectorals major is an enormous, fan-formed muscle covering the chest. It is included clavicular and sternocostal areas. Adducts and turns the upper arm. Transverse adduction and flexion of the pectoralis major is smooth movement. You can see the muscles extending far and contracting back effectively.
The biceps brachii is a two-headed muscle. Despite the fact that most of the bulk is found anteriorly to the humerus, it has no connection deep down itself. The activity is Supination of the lower arm. It likewise flexes the arm at the elbow and at the shoulder. In the biceps brachil there isn't a lot of expansion found in the muscle contrasted with the pectoralis major.
The answer is C. We can suppose that the Grey gene is "A" and Black gene is "a". So the gene of heterozygous grey fruit fly is "Aa", and the black-bodied fruit fly is "aa". After mating, the offspring can get only "a" from balck-bodied fruit fly and has equal opportunity to get a "A" or "a" from heterozygous grey fruit fly. If the gene of offspring is "Aa", it will be grey. If "aa", it will be black. So the proportion of being black is 0.5.