D. reductionism
Reductionism is the philosophical position characterized by the thesis that the properties of the whole can be reduced to the properties of its parts, thus reducing the number of elements in a theory or conclusion and can be applied to phenomena, theories, meanings, objects and even explanations. It is a metaphysical position that consists in the hypothesis that reality is composed of a minimum number of types of entities or substances. An example of this was the case of Henry Handsome who, because of the emergence of a European bank, interpreted that it would be beneficial for his wealthy friends to sell his shares. Henry believed that a whole could be reduced to its parts.
As Albert Schweitzer said, “The three most important ways to lead people are: by example, by example, and by example.” I believe it is best to have a strong ethical leader than to have a written code and ethical training. People want to see their leaders do things the right way; they want be shown how to do things correctly; and when rules are broken, they want to see justice served.
No wants to be told right from wrong from a boss who disregards the rules. No one wants to be judged or criticized by someone who doesn’t follow the rules. Reading the Dos and Don’ts and seeing no consequence for those who break the rules is counter productive.
The best leaders lead by example and teach by doing the right thing.