One should consider: proper clothing and shoes-so not to get injured. Knowledge of equipment and activity—one should know how to use all equipment and know how to play the games/activity so not to hurt themselves or others. Proper hydration and nutrition before hand-so not to get dehydrated or dizzy or sick and safety og equipment and location-check for broken items and discard, check environment for hills, holes, sticks, traffic, etc.
Storing sperm and Egg cells to later create babies when desired.
Parents controlling the baby sex that is produced.
c. A chromosomal mutation can change the total number of chromosomes in the cell.
A gene mutation affects a single gene, and replication error is the main cause of gene mutation. A chromosomal mutation affects one part of chromosome or full chromosome. error in meiosis is the main cause of chromosomal mutation. Both mutations are responsible for a change in DNA. A chromosomal mutation leads to the change in total number of chromosomes in the cell.
Plasmid. A plasmid is a small circular DNA presents in bacterial cells. It is used as a cloning vector for DNA. The cloned DNA and the plasmid are treated with a restrriction enzyme. The enzyme will make cleaveges in the same portions of the two DNA. The plasmid is then allowed to be replicated inside the bacterial cell.