Phosphorylation within the nuclear export signal interferes with the function of the signal.
In biochemistry, phosphorylation is the addition of a phosphate group (PO4) to a protein or other molecule. Phosphorylation is a major player in protein regulation mechanisms, preventing protein-catalyzed reaction product from accumulating in the body causing problems.
However, in some cases phosphorylation may cause nuclear accumulation of a protein in the nucleus of the cell. An example of this is the protein shown in the question above. In this case, phosphorylation in the nuclear export signal interferes with the signal function, resulting in protein accumulation in the nucleus.
Plant families that produce copious amounts of latex include:
Euphorb family (Euphorbiaceae),
milkweed family (Asclepiadaceae),
mulberry family (Moraceae),
dogbane family (Apocynaceae), and.
chicory tribe (Lactuceae) of the sunflower family (Asteraceae).
adaptation is what's happening, and the moths changed color to adapt to the new environment.
because of the smoke, the light colored moths were easily spotted and eaten. but they changed color over time to account for that, turning black to make them harder to spot and eat.
They became careless and transferred to every body saying i cant all of us has to die