To start off you need to figure out how much money each item costs. Now get out your calculator because it will make this process go much faster.
If your sodas cost $2.25 EACH you need to do the following math equation
2.25 X 3 = 6.75 witch is the total you would be paying in this situation.
Lets say that your hotdogs are $4.75 PER DOG. You just need to follow the same steps above.
4.75 X 2 = 9.5 but thats not how we write money so it would be $9.50
Hope this helps,
In the <span>addition process</span> this usually involves:
<span><span>rounding numbers up to the nearest multiple of 10 or 100 </span>subtracting the extras that were added at the end.</span>
In the subtraction process this usually involves subtracting too much and completing the calculation by putting some back.
54+4.4 is greater
Step-by-step explanation:
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