Solar phenomena are the natural phenomena occurring within the outer atmosphere of the Sun. These phenomena take many forms, including solar wind, radio wave flux, solar flares, coronal mass ejections, coronal heating and sunspots.
C. Shield Volcano.. think of Hawaiian volcanoes,they are basaltic eruptions, very effusive and unexplosive and are characterised by slow lava movement and very little tephra from the eruption. The basalt erupted is very hard, dense rock and so can be built up easily.
Sorghum and millet are the grains that thrive well in arid environments. Sorghum is a close relative of the smaller millet, with the latter measuring only a third in size to sorghum. It is important to know that sorghum is sometimes called great millet.
Every 192 -gram cup of cooked whole sorghum or millet contains 22 grams compared to wheat (16 grams), brown rice (15 grams), and maize (16 grams).
patient care – dietitians in hospitals and nursing homes educate patients and family members on eating well. They work with them to make sure that diets meet individual needs. They develop menus to meet patients' nutritional needs.
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