Answer: Estivation
Non-mammalian animals that cannot maintain their body temperature by its own. They need to adapt certain phenomenon to survive in the existing conditions.
The animals in the desert like snakes, reptiles, North American tortoise, also maintain their body temperature and maintain an adequate amount of water inside the body.
The animals in the desert do not move out during the daytime in order to conserve water and energy.
This phenomenon is season and is known as estivation.
4. Cinder cones are a volcano
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HIV is the only disease listed here to be sexually transmitted.
When you are in the northern hemisphere, you are near the north pole. If you are in the Southern Hemisphere, you are closer to the South Pole. As you probably already know, the earth is tilted. When you are closer to the equator, your number of daylight hours increase. The farther you are from the equator, the less daylight you will receive.