haha bading ka bakla pasagot ako ng question ko
They are referring to when Dr. Rank performed medical tests to see if he was dying or not.
Mustufa ran the 100-meter and 200-meter races (but the one he had trained for the hardest was the 400-meter competition).
This is the only answer that is grammatically correct. Parentheses cannot just be place anywhere in a sentence. They are used to add extra information for clarity or information that is an aside). An aside is something that is not the main part of the discussion. In this sentence, the main point is that Mustufa ran the sprint races. The extra information is that he trained for the mid-distance race.
It’s a yes bc the human population will expand
Answer: Reporting statements is relatively easy. The most common verb used to report statements is tell.
As a general rule, the changes in the tense of the reported speech depend upon the tense of the reporting verb in the direct speech. Thus when the reporting verb is in the past tense, the tense of the reported verb also changes to past tense.
He said, ‘I want to go.’
He said that he wanted to go.