Robert Frost often uses traditional poem structure such as iambic pentameters or similar when writing poems even though his themes are modernist. He sometimes even wrote sonnets.
Answer: the correct answer is b
This publication contains two documents,the bishops' statement Sharing Catholic Social Teaching: Challenges and Directions and the Summary Report of the Task Force on Catholic Social Teaching and Catholic Education. The bishops' statement was developed by the Committee on Education, the Committee on Domestic Policy, and the Committee on International Policy, and it was approved by the bishops on June 19, 1998. It is a response to the report of the Task Force on Catholic Social Teaching and Catholic Education, which was created in 1995 by these three committees. The task force's summary report is included as an appendix to this publication. The bishops' statement reflects the action of the bishops, and the summary report is the work of the task force. These two documents are approved for publication by the undersigned.
Our community of faith is blessed with many gifts. Two of the most vital are our remarkable commitment to Catholic education and catechesis in all its forms and our rich tradition of Catholic social teaching. As we look to a new millennium, there is an urgent need to bring these two gifts together in a strengthened commitment to sharing our social teaching at every level of Catholic education and faith formation.
The beginning of “The Lottery” doesn’t seem very odd. The people seem relatively normal, the adults are working, yet there is a sense of uneasiness. It soon becomes clear that the “lottery” that keeps getting mentioned is what causes this sense of unease. Yet the reader is still unaware of what part of this lottery is making them uncomfortable, and it starts to become clear that winning the lottery is not a good thing. Slowly the reader puts together various pieces of the story, and it becomes clear what will happen: the winner of the lottery is stoned to death, supposedly to ensure a good harvest. The story becomes darker and darker as one realizes that no one really even knows the origin of the ritual and why it cannot be done away with. It becomes clear that “The Lottery” is a prime example of a dystopia, because propaganda is used to control the citizens, which leads to the freedom of information being heavily restricted. This happens to the point where citizens from different towns rarely speak with one another. One must question why this information is restricted (or rather, has it simply been forgotten?) how it came to be this way, and why the citizens don’t work to change it.
Scientist would be the best people to use when conducting research.