Considering information given in the passage and data found in the graph, select the response below that supports the argument t
hat biotechnology has had a positive impact on both society and the United States' economy.
Shull's hybrid corn seeds created a new type of science in the United States—biotechnology. After the success of his seeds, other individuals entered the field and created their own hybrids. This caused the industry to grow and gave farmers a bigger selection of seeds from which to choose. Today, farmers can purchase everything they need for a successful corn crop from their seed distributors. The hybrid seed industry in the United States makes billions of dollars each year.
From 1866 to 2011, farmers produced many bushels of corn each year. They could have produced more corn if weather conditions had been favorable. The drought during the Dust Bowl was hard on farmers growing corn. Hybrid corn seeds had no effect on corn production. The impact on society and the economy were small compared with the impact of the Dust Bowl droughts.
Shull developed hybrid corn seed about 100 years ago. Some farmers bought the seed when it was first produced, but others did not. Farmers would have grown corn either way. Hybrid corn seed did not have an effect on corn production overall. It helped the economy by making more money for Shull and other scientists that produced hybrid corn seeds.
Shull's creation of hybrid corn seed allowed farmers to produce more corn consistently throughout the years. Overall, the number of bushels harvested each year trends higher, as shown in the graph, between 1918 and 2011. Increased corn production meant more income for the farmers, which allowed them to take better care of their families and farms. Hybrid seed performed, even during the Dust Bowl, when non-hybrid farmers struggled to produce corn.
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