Financial status impacts marital stability in many different ways. If a married couple struggles with financial worries there would be be blaming, worrying and shame in the family that can lead to many arguments. The husband or the wife may feel they are not doing enough to provide and to protect their families and may feel anxious as a result. If the main concern of a family is its financial survival, many other necessities may get neglected because of lack of money. The couple may feel tense and the tension may even contribute to the break up of the marriage.
Other factors associated with a couple's financial status are: health, education, recreational activities. The better the couple's financial status, the more healthier the family is, the better the education they can afford for their children and the better the cultural and social activities they can participate in.
Behaviorally anchored rating scales when we must keep in mind that these specify behaviorally anchored rating scales.
Behavior-based rating scales (BARS) are systems for measuring employee performance. Measure them according to defined behavioral patterns. It provides both qualitative and quantitative data to the evaluation process. BARS includes a combination of quantified ratings, incidents, and narratives.
Using behavior-based rating scales to measure employee performance usually makes it easier to know exactly what individual employees need to do to improve their performance. Bars are usually displayed vertically with scale points ranging from 5 to 9.
Learn more about behavior at
<span>Herbert Spencer was the philosopher and scientist of the XIX, who applied the studies of evolution to the branch of biology and psychology, among others. Herbert Spencer was an English philosopher and sociologist. He developed an idea of evolution as the progressive development of the physical world, biological organisms, and the mind.</span>