The case may result in suing the plaintiff himself who brought the case to the court of law.
- It is clear from the news reports that the plaintiff himself was a frequent visitor of the business that he has brought the case to the court against.
- Moreover, it is clear from the evidence given by the locals that the business was an illegal gambling business.
- Considering the details above, the court would sue the plaintiff himself for being involved in illegal gambling.
El Foro y la Mesa Redonda son muy similar pero tienen tambien una grande diferencia. El foro tambien donde se reunen para discutir diferentes asuntos y donde todos escuchando pueden intevenir en la discusion, incluyendo el auditorio. La Mesa redonda es mas para una cierta cantidad de sujetos que se reunen para desarollar un tema en especifico. En otras palabras la gran diferencia entre las dos son la cantidad de individuos que participan en la discussion.
Correct answers are:
1. Euphrates River
2. Jordan River
3. Tigris River
4. Suez Canal
5. Persian Gulf
6. Strait of Hormuz
7. Arabian Sea
8. Red Sea
All of this geographical features are important part of the region. Suez Canal for example connects Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea. Strait of Hormuz connects Persian Gulf and Arabian Sea. Tigris and Euphrates are flowing into Persian Gulf...
The correct answer is C. An individual’s personal internal experience of a divine being leads to their faith.
The word "socialization" refers to the process, experiences, and institutions that make an individual learn the values, ideologies, norms and cultural elements of its context, including institutions such as religion, school, and family. In terms of religion, this institution plays an important role in socialization because through this, people can learn about the material culture or the objects and places that are considered as sacred; also they can know the way to behave and interact in certain places and during shared experience and they learn roles related to religious celebrations and life. However, an individual’s personal internal experience of a divine being leads to their faith is not part of socialization in religion as this is personally developed and therefore cannot be guided or taught by any institution.