Oh wow thats cool...... you can just look it up on the internet. There are the most amazing tricks and things on there.
The inputs are oxygen and glucose
and outputs are carbon dioxide and water and ATP
No, telomerase is not an oncogene. It prevents the senescence that would occur due to shortened telomeres, but the cell proliferation might still be mitogen-dependent.
telomerase is not responsible for causing deregulation while oncogenes cause deregulation .
Telomeres length shorten after the cell division which stops them to divide again and cell die.
Telomerase prevents this decline in some kinds of cells, including stem cells, by lengthening telomeres, and the hope was that activating the enzyme could prevent senescence.
Bacteria are a group of single celled organisms that are neither plants or animals.
Bacteria lack cell organelles such as the nucleus and the chlorophyll.
They can be found in many environments and most of them are adapted to survive in extreme environments such as hot-springs where the temperatures are extremely high.
Unlike the plant cell wall, bacterial cell wall has a layer of peptidoglucan which determines their shape. Their cytoplasm contains both DNA and RNA.
The stem
they get sun water and air separated it and put it back together