Here's a small list of popular books that can help and introduce you to Ancient India. They are all available in English, by the way.
1- "A History of India, vol. 1: From Origins to 1300" (Romila Thapar)
2- "Ancient India as Described in Classical Literature; Being a Collection of Greek and Latin Texts Relating to India, Extracted from Herodotus and Other" (John Watson McCrindle)
3- "The Philosophy of Ancient India" (Richard von Garbe)
4- "Ancient India: in Historical Outline" (D.N. Jha)
5- "The Ancient Geography Of India" (Alexander Cunningham)
The period of human evolution has coincided with environmental change, including cooling, drying, and wider climate fluctuations over time. How did environmental change shape the evolution of new adaptations, the origin and extinction of early hominin species, and the emergence of our species, Homo sapiens? (‘Hominin’ refers to any bipedal species closely related to humans – that is, on the human divide of the evolutionary tree since human and chimpanzee ancestors branched off from a common ancestor sometime between 6 and 8 million years ago.)
How do we know Earth’s climate has changed? How quickly and how much has climate changed? One important line of evidence is the record of oxygen isotopes through time. This record of δ18O, or oxygen stable isotopes, comes from measuring oxygen in the microscopic skeletons of foraminifera (forams, for short) that lived on the sea floor. This measure can be used as an indicator of changing temperature and glacial ice over time. There are two main trends: an overall decrease in temperature and a larger degree of climate fluctuation over time. The amount of variability in environmental conditions was greater in the later stages of human evolution than in the earlier stages.
They developed Trigonometry, used mathematical models to track down the planet Jupiter and developed methods of tracking time that are still used today.
Every child has his right.
1. They have right to be educated
2. They should not be forced to work
3. We should not abuse them by doing harm them
4. We should provide proper food and nutrition
Airplanes brought several changes to our societies, lives and environment. Within the pros of this new mean of transport we can find the increase of the speed in which we travel and goods reach another shore. This affected positively the price of merchandises, which became easier to obtain around the world. What in the past was limited to be transported by land or across the sea, with the risk of never arriving, now it is very easy to obtain. Of course that they also opened a lot of new job opportunities for quite a few people. New careers were created and now a lot of people profit from this industry. Last but not least is the industry of tourism. Travelling has become much easier and practical since planes began to transport us.
On the other hand, the impact on the environment was not as good as in the others. Planes consume, and realease in the atmosphere, fosil fuels. This is limiting our natural resources at an incredible speed, apart from the fact that it contributes negatively to the matter of pollution.