Prions are a type of defective proteins, that can cause normal proteins to turn into defective, infectious ones: prion, word that comes from the term "proteinaceous infectious particle"; prions can cause neurodegenerative diseases. Unfortunately, even after scientists identified prions as the causal agents of the "mad cow" disease and others like the "kuru" (discovered in New Guinea, amongst a tribe that practiced cannibalism) and the "scrapie", the authorities tried to hide the epidemic, they took too long to ban the feeding of animals with mixes that included proteins from infected animals, so if authorities had implemented more actions since at least 1993 perhaps the epidemic could have been controlled earlier, instead of almost 25 years after the disease was identified.
In this sense, the author takes us step by step in the process (over time) and illustrates how people got frustrated because of the reaction of the government: nothing was done about the disease until over ten years after its discovery.
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Richard Connell in "The Most Dangerous Game" suggests the theme of legitimate murder. His character Rainsford believes animals are inferior to men because they cannot feel, thus justifying hunting. Another character, Zaroff, thinks hunting men is more interesting than hunting animals, because humans have the power of reason.
On the other hand, Ernest Thompson Seton's "Lobo the King of Currupaw" about a the author's personal experience hunting wolves, tells the story of Lobo and Blanca, the man's struggle to hunt them, and describes Lobo's sorrow after Blanca's death. The story then lead to a conservationist movement for the protection of wolves.
Answered by Mimiwhatsup: The roses connotation is that is a symbol of passion and love.
Diction is word/phrase choice in a writing, and jargon is a set of terms that are used within a specialized group--for example, legal terms used within a law office would be considered jargon. not everyone knows what a docket is, or what it means to be subpoenaed. diction is simply the words a writer chooses when crafting a work.
they're similar in the way that they're both parts of language and they're both rhetorical strategies. jargon can make a person seem more professional, as they use the specialized language of their skill, and that ties into diction because specialized word choice can have a great effect on people.