When I get annoyed by somebody, I try to distance myself from them. I distance myself away from conflict if I have no need to engage, rather than engaging and making things worse. I'm the kind of person who tries to stay out of drama, just because I simply don't like it.
They use all of them except a
When Dante invokes the muses, he promises to tell of their greatness.
Pete Bancini underwent brain damage during his birth. He had only one violent episode in the ward when he angrily lashed out against the aides, and he told the other patients that he had been born dead and was always tired.
Pete Bancini experienced brain damage during his birth, which left him unable to complete anything but menial tasks. According to the Chief, Pete had a violent episode only once in the ward, when he angrily lashed out against the aides. At that point, Pete told the other patients: "I can't help it. I was born a miscarriage. I had so many insults I died. I was born dead. I can't help it. I'm tired".