algae. I just looked it up. algae are autotrophs meaning they make their own food. I hope this helps!
Answer and explanation;
-The hydrogen bonding in water is a a result of partial negative charge on the oxygen of one molecule which forms a hydrogen bond with the partial positive charge on the hydrogen of other molecules.
-When molecules of water are close to each other, their positive and negative regions are attracted to the oppositely-charged regions of nearby water molecules. This force of attraction is called a hydrogen bond. Each water molecule is hydrogen bonded to four others.
-This important property of hydrogen bond occurs in polar molecules such as water which contains weak, partial negative charge at one region of a molecule and also a partial positive charge elsewhere in the molecule.
When blood glucose levels increase above set point, the hormone insulin, which is produced in the beta cells of the Islets of Langerhans in the pancreas, is secreted into the bloodstream. The insulin binds to insulin receptors on cell membranes of liver cells, which results in accelerated conversion of glucose to glycogen, and a slower conversion of glycogen to glucose. This caused blood glucose levels to fall back to normal range again.
animal life especially : the animals characteristic of a region, period, or special environment the diverse fauna of the island — compare flora.