Answer: Liver
The liver is the largest gland in the body, weighing 1200 to 1500g, with a smooth surface and reddish-brown color. It is located in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen, it is pyramidal in shape, and is in a slightly oblique position, Having two faces: one upper anterior, directly in contact with the diaphragm and a lower poster, directly in contact with the underlying abdominal viscera. the falciform ligament topographically divides the diaphragmatic liver face into right and left lobes.
Fixing the upper poster, in each hepatic lobe, we find the coronary ligaments, which unite at their extreme laterals giving rise to the triangular ligaments and anteriorly on the diaphragmatic face, originating the falciform ligament.
Substances stored in the liver
The liver, which is the largest gland in the body, stores vitamins A,D,E,K glycogen, which maintains blood glucose levels, iron and copper.
Hmmmmm Ig it’s d but I’m not sure tho
Raise the head of the bed to sitting position.
Local governments and agencies have a responsibility. Consumers should also have a basic knowledge of nutrition and health.