Option (C).
Emergency medical technician (EMT) may be defined as the term used to describe the care providers at the medical emergency cases. They are able to respond quickly and provide instant medical care.
The stick protrudes and impaled in the neck. The EMT care providers will clean the injured part. They will place an occlusive dressing on the wound. The dressing will be taped from all the four sides of the wound and provide medicine to the injured boy.
Thus, the correct answer is option (C).
It depends because the put gas in your chest to blow you up to get your gabladder out
The answer is D. The H1N1 has also been referred to as the "Swine Flu" it is usually from a mosquito bite. The antiviral agent w/in 48 hours reduces the severity of the illness. This has been known to be deadly in the past.