Alea iacta est ("The die is cast") is a variation of a Latin phrase (iacta alea est) attributed by Suetonius to Julius Caesar who pronounced it in the year 49 B.C. when he was leading his army across the Rubicon river in the current territories of Northern Italy. Subsequently, he entered in Italy heading his army and defying the Roman Senate and it meant the beginning of the civil war versus Pompey and the Optimates.
- Plutarch, referred to the same event in his written testimonies and reported the phrase but stating it was pronounced in Greek instead of Latin and that its translation meant: <em>'Let the die be cast'.</em>
- Suetonius described the same situation, reporting a very similar phrase but not exactly the same. Let's include the exact excerpt of his writings where he did so.
<em>Caesar: '... iacta alea est,' inquit.</em>
<em>Caesar said, "The die has been cast."</em>
Thefore there are two very similar versions of the same historical events. Usually the Latin version is the most widely known, as the Latin language was more widespread all over Europe and gave rise to all the current family of Latin languages (Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, etc).
La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
La pregunta es ambigua y no incluye mayor referencia, época o contexto. De ahí que podemos comentar de manera general lo siguiente.
Uno de los movimientos Europeos más reconocidos por el impacto cultural y emocional que provocó fue el llamado Renacimiento que inició en la Italia del siglo XIV, cuando el Humanismos empezó a cambiar los conceptos que imperaron en la época obscura de la Edad Media.
El Renacimiento se caracterizó además por el nacimiento de grandes artistas, escultores y pintores de la talla de Miguel Ángel Buonarroti, Leonardo Da Vinci y Rafael, impresionantes artistas que elevaron las emociones de la gente con sus perfectas creaciones.
The answer would be the Pilgrims. :) Sorry if wrong.
Tyranny is a form of government where an individual exercise authority over some people without any legal restraints.
It means illegitimate use of power.
Centralization it occurs when federal government makes decisions that suppose to be made in the local. The takes possession of all the authority.
Tyranny emerging where some certain person are involved in the governance and others are sidelined.
Abandonment of rationality, ignoring the current state for something else that does not matter at that moment.