There was a lot of impact on slaves in the south rather than the north
Delaware represented the nation as a whole on what really mattered. For instance, the states rights, slavery and support for the Union case.
B.) Victory or Death
Before Washington and his troops left, Benjamin Rush came to cheer up the general. While he was there, he saw a note Washington had written, saying, "Victory or Death". Those words would be the password for the surprise attack. Each soldier carried 60 rounds of ammunition, and three days of rations.
The correct answer is:
A. Thomas More
Utopia was written by Thomas More in 1516 and it has been very controversial ever since. The book is divided in two books where Thomas More puts himself as the main character, that goes on a business trip with his friend Peter Giles and meets Raphael Hythloday (a great explorer who has traveled around the world).
They have a controversial talk about opinions over philosophy and it's influence on politics, that can be interpreted as controversial ideas More was having while trying to decide if he should join the king's service or not, because he wrote Utopia before he became Lord Chancellor.
Utopia in the book is a place Hythloday talked about and described as the greatest place on Earth, while More and Giles didn't believe such place could exist.
to create a social safety net system for those who were unemployed
Reagan suggested using supply-side economic systems to reduce inflation and create more jobs. He believed that cutting taxes, lowering restrictions, and slashing social welfare programs would establish a powerful economy and many employment opportunities for Americans. in other words, lowering taxes would contribute to higher investment to expand the economy and that more revenue would be obtained as a business boost. Though he claimed there was a "safety net" for the unemployed but the fact was the number of people living in extreme poverty increased and the budget deficit rose to obscene levels.