Evergreens are plants that maintain their leaves in all seasons and include trees such as pine, cedar, and mango. 2. Deciduous trees lose their leaves seasonally and include trees such as elm and maple. 3. Hardwoods reproduce using flowers and have broad leaves: hardwoods include trees such as maple, elm, and mango. 4. Conifer leaves are generally thin and needle-like, while seeds are contained in cones. Conifers include pine and cedar.
- Evergreens plants: These plants keep the foliage the year. They change leaves during their whole life, but the frequency in which they change them is not the same as the deciduous plants, and this event does not coincide with any season in particular. They do not need to lose leaves during unfavorable seasons. These species develop different strategies and adaptations to go through unfavorable weather conditions. They have special leaves to avoid water loss or freezing, some of them are thin and needle-like shaped, or might be covered with wax or fuzz. Example: Pine, cedar.
- Deciduous plants: During autumn and winter, deciduous trees from temperate forests need to store different nutrients that will be used for the plant growth during the following spring. Storaging nutrients in leaves require too much energy and constant photosynthetic activity, which might be very difficult for the plant to support during these colder seasons. To confront this situation, these species have developed some strategies such as leaves senescence. The tree stops supplying water and nutrients to the leaves, so these last ones stop producing chlorophyll. When this molecule is completely lost, other pigments that were masked by chlorophyll, show up. Before senescence occurs, pigments such as carotenoid, anthocyanin, or pheophytin reveal yellow, orange, red, purple, and brown tones, which are the characteristic autumn colors. Example: maple and elm
- Angiosperm characterize for their reproductive strategy, producing flowers and fruits, and dispersing by their seeds. These last ones are located in an ovary (in the fruit). These species attract pollinizers through the flower characteristics and reward and attract animals with their fruits, guaranteeing seeds dispersion. Example: maple and mango
- Gymnosperm does not develop flowers nor fruits. They have naked seeds on the surface of scams or leaves. Seeds frequently develop in pine cones, which are specialized branches. Example: Pine, cedar
- Conifer belongs to the Gymnosperm.
There would be a difference between the results.
Because the question is not complete, I will provide a brief explanation. There would be a difference in the results. This is because of the different measurement method. One method is based on the theoretical formulation. The other, is based on the actual work. This makes the outcome to be different.
D) Linnaeus primarily used physical characteristics.
-Carolus Linnaeus developed naming system that is still used today, called binomial nomenclature. He is known as the Father of Taxonomy, which is the system of classifying and naming organisms.
-Among is contribution is the development of a hierarchical system of classification of nature, which includes eight taxa: domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.
-However, some of Carl Linnaeus's classifications of organisms were incorrect because Linnaeus primarily used physical characteristics.
The answer would be C
The illness doesn't have to be life-threatening to the point where they must go to the hospital, but it could still be a health risk.
Neither the Wolffian ducts nor the Mullerian ducts will develop
SRY gene is the gene is located on the Y chromosome and it is responsible for the development of testes.
MIS is Anti-Müllerian hormone which has the role to prevent the development of Müllerian ducts (they develop into female internal genitalia).
Androgen insensitivity syndrome is a disorder characterized by unfunctional androgen receptors. If androgen receptors are not working properly, the Wolffian ducts (they develop male internal organs) will not develop.
So, with MIS and withandrogen insensitivity syndrome, this fetus will not develop neither the Wolffian ducts nor the Mullerian ducts.