B) ethical fundamentalism
A government or political party that strictly derives its ethics and laws based on a specific religious book is an example of <u>ethical fundamentalism</u>. Ethical fundamentalism asserts that the ultimate moral guide is a supreme rule gotten from external sources or central figures such as the Bible and Quran. It involves relying on external sources or central figure for ethical rules.
To start with, I've seen Samantha and Samandhi. And Samadhi Sutta, which interestingly discusses tranquillity and insight ( samatha and vipassana ).
There's another sutta which says that samatha and vipassana are paired qualities - samatha gets rid of passion, vipassana gets rid of delusion ( I'll see if I can find it ). Note that samatha is a quality, not a method.
Location. Starting salaries may vary widely for the same position in different locations. ...Industry. Industry, or type of employer, strongly affects starting salaries. ...Demand. The market demand for a profession affects all salaries, including those for entry-level positions. ...Experience and Education
Limited/scare resources and unlimited wants.