The answer to the question: In the U.S Constitution the fugitive slave clause kept the condition of bondage for a slave even if he or she escaped to a free state?, is, yes, the Fugitive Slave Law provided that if an escaped slave was found, be it in a free state, or anywhere else, he or she must be returned to their owner.
This clause made part of the Articles of Confederation of the U.S Constitution, and represented most of its Article IV, Section 2, clause 3. It also became a point of conflict during and after the Civil War, as it irked abolitionists who opposed such a law. It was finally repealed when the Thirteenth Amendment was passed. However, it is also important to know that most northern states refused from the outset of the law, during the Civil War, to enforce it.
Yes, the US fairly bought much land from the French. However the US got into a war with Spain for the southwest region, however, that is justifiable.
They decided to join by themselves.
In 1956 the term Viet Cong came into use and gradually replaced the older term Viet Minh. The government-controlled Saigon press first started using the term referring to communists in South Vietnam as Viet Cong a shortening of Viet Nam Cong-San which means "Vietnamese Communist.