#Mitral valves
There is a valve at the meeting point between each ureter and the bladder to prevent the backflow of urine into the kidneys.
Urinary reflux means that one (or both) of these valves is not working properly.
If you have urinary reflux, during urination the urine travels up the affected ureter to the kidney instead of flowing out of the body.
Urinary reflux most commonly occurs in babies and children.
In most cases, the valve will correct itself as a child grows and matures.
In severe cases, surgery may be needed to remodel the valve.
#Urine flows from each kidney through tubes called ureters and into the bladder. When the bladder is full, it squeezes and sends the urine out through the urethra. No urine should flow back into the ureter when the bladder is squeezing. Each ureter has a one-way valve where it enters the bladder that prevents urine from flowing back up the ureter.