The Justinian
Code was created in order to create one single set of laws for all of the
Byzantine Empire. This code was extremely important because it served as the
basis for everyday actions within the empire including marriage, criminal
justice, slavery, and property rights. Along with this, the code ended up
serving as the basis for the laws of the Byzantine Empire for the next 900
years. Countries all over world use ideas from Justinian Code's in order to
form a comprehensive set of laws. The four sections of the code are the Codex
Constitutionum, Digesta, Institutiones, and the Novella Constitutiones Post
If you ware talking about Porfirio Diaz, he ruled a total of 3 1/2 decades. Tell me if you need the exact years.
Newton discovered gravity. The discovery of gravity .. Newton argued that the main force in the universe, although it was very much clear to Newton that gravity basically affected all objects on Earth and including in space.
Social consequences of the industrial revolution
The main consequence of industrialization was the substitution of class society for class society (in which social class was determined by material goods). The other social class that emerged from the industrial revolution was the proletariat that appeared in Europe during the 18th century.
Muhammad Ibn Abdullah (S)
Ibn means the son of in Arabic :)