Westernize - to adopt the culture of Western European countries
Divine right - belief that God created the monarchy to act as his representative.
Armada - a large fleet of warships
Boyar - high-ranking Russian nobility and landowner
Ideal - existing as a perfect example.
I hope this helps. cheers!
Truman implemented this in response to two threats one being a communist-led uprising against the government in Greece and two being Soviet demands for some control of Turkey's Dardanelles. It was implemented in Berlin when Truman ordered U.S. planes to fly supplies to the people of West Berlin in response to the Soviet Union's 11 month blockade on Berlin.. or something among those lines
You would find this information in <span>Article 3.</span>
Because they helped strengthen their industrial-based economy
The dominant factor in an epic is the heroic main character. This character often is the son of a god or goddess and is favored by the gods. Heroic characters are also always hounded by constant tragedy which drives them to fulfill their fates. Most heroic characters are high in social status and share close contacts with the gods. All of these qualities of heroic characters show up in the characters of Aeneas <span>from The </span>Aeneid<span> and Gilgamesh from the </span>Epic of Gilgamesh<span>. </span>