I'm pretty sure the answer is B. Supreme court has unlimited jurisdiction.
My only doubt is supreme court cases can be overruled but only by the supreme court (which is A).
One such sentence would be this: "The compass was a vital piece of technology that allowed sailors and explorers of all kinds find their position in the world relative to the North Pole".
Education and Knowledge, Goal Setting, Communication, and Self Confidence.
Educating and Knowledge: It is important to be knowledgeable about the issues that are affecting your country. If Roosevelt was oblivious and not informed on any of the issues affecting the U.S. decisions made by him would have been very questionable because he was not educated on the topic.
Goal Setting: Like any good leader you need to have a goal. Why should anyone vote you as president if you do not even have a goal during your run. You most likely would not be elected if you stated that you dont have any goals.
Self-Confidence: You need to have self confidence so that you are not easily redirected and often made to change your mind. You need to be confident in what you are doing and own up to it if you make a mistake. If you don't have any confidence any one can easily change your decision and therefore run the country for you.
He among you is the wisest who, like Socrates, knows that his wisdom is really worth nothing at all.
What does it mean? Socrates spoke with a man who was said by many to be wise, but found that this man, like countless others he had spoken to, had no more wisdom than Socrates had, [and that the man even became angry and refused to acknowledge his ignorance when Socrates showed him that this was so,] and therefore Socrates concluded that "it seems I am wiser than he is to this small extent, that I do not think I know what I do not know".
In other words, despite that all Socrates knows is that he has no wisdom, his wisdom isn't really "worth nothing at all". That is the paradox of Socratic ignorance.