The Odyssey fits the mold of an epic poem perfectly. There are seven main characteristics of an epic poem. The Odyssey contains all of these characteristics. The first characteristic is an outstanding or subjectively amazing hero. The hero is the Odyssey is Odysseus. He is a greek hero and shows bravery, courage, and stamina throughout the story.
Another characteristic of an epic poem is bravery shown by the protagonist. Odysseus overcomes many trials to make it back home to his love by showing bravery such as when he made it through the storms caused by Poseidon. The third characteristic of an epic poem has to do with traveling far away. In Odyseus's endeavors, he travels all over the world for over 10 years before he makes it back to his kingdom of Ithaca and his wife, Penelope. Two more traits of an epic poem are the poet tries to remain objective, which Homer does, and it is written in verse, which the Odyssey is. The other two characteristic of an epic poem have to do with supernatural forces which are so obviously portrayed throughout the story. The Odyssey is one of the greatest epic poems ever written, it is widely known as such today and in many years passed.
It neuter because it's does not refer to a living thing.
"Boundless and bare."
"Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" The quote is intended to have those viewing the statue to see all of the marvelous things Ozymandias has created, yet they have all decayed and disappeared. The legacy of the "king of kings" is nothing.