Economists are the social scientists that focus their studies on scarcity, resources and profit motives. The economists not only follow the pattern in which the economy of a country is going, it also gives plans to improve the economy. They are a very important part of any civilized society. I hope it helps you.
Mountains, highlands and rivers.
Initially, you might want to look at how little America does produce- what could we even offer to a nation that produces almost everything. Another reason why Americans may be at a disadvantage with trading with China is due to our HUGE trade deficit- we owe so much money. On top of that, taxes on things being traded can be used against nations, if we traded with China and they raised the tax on imports than it could impact us very negatively.
12.) D Anti-Semitic officials convicted Alfred Dreyfus based on secret evidence.
Mercantilism, the country needs a favorable balance of trade so it exports more than it imports goods. The mother country would import manufactured goods to the colony exporting raw materials in exchange. For example the Columbian exchange exported new foods and crops from the Americas such as maize, tobacco, sugar, cotton and potatoes. Horses were brought from Europe and introduced to the Native American people. For example: the Lakota mostly hunted buffalo and this practice was improved with the introduction of horses.
Hope this helps