December 15, 1971
the right of the people to be secure in their persons,houses,papers,effects,against unreasonable searches and seizures,shall not be violated,and no warranrs shall issue, but upon probable cause,supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched
it is called by Comparative Negligence.
Look in the documents folder on person's computer . Also look for photo type files if perp was using photoshop.
credits to 3dragonheir3 for original answer
religion is something you learn about but you can not share your beliefs with the school and teachers aren't allowed to preach their religions.
some schools allow prayer in sports but it is not a mandatory thing.
I still believe that it is not a good thing to put religion beliefs and school together because then if u don't believe in someone elses religion it can cause problems which will revolve in exclusion and fights about religion.
It depends on what it is used for and if they are making it a mandatory thing or not.