D) Periodically measure how the treatment is being implemented.
I would think this would be the best way to monitor data. When you periodically measure the data of the treatment being implemented you can monitor it better in my opinion.
- Hope this helps. Have a great day!
The people of the Kenyan cities make trades with each other in order to support one another.
- The fact that cooperation is mandatory in order to achieve development of all has been taken seriously by the people of Kenyan cities. That is why, the people of Kenya put major emphasis on domestic trading amongst themselves.
- The economy of Kenya is majorly reliant on the domestic trade that takes place in its cities. Hence, it can be said that the macroeconomic structure of Kenya is a result of simple microeconomic machineries functioning within the country.
- Training amongst each other has helped the Kenyan society achieve higher levels of social integrity.
The President of the European Parliament (Martin Schulz) stated that it must be a precondition for Turkey to recognise the systematic massacres of Armenians in 1915 as genocide. The government of Turkey rejects such a precondition for EU membership and does not accept it as a part of the EU membership criteria.
31 October 2000
Landmark resolution on Women, Peace and Security (Security Council resolution 1325) The Security Council adopted resolution (S/RES/1325) on women and peace and security on 31 October 2000.