William Lloyd Garrison, Theodore Weld, Fredrick Douglass, Sojourner Truth, Benjamin Franklin and Benjamin Rush.
- Abolitionists - militant opponents of 19th-century slavery in the US, also associated with European fighters against slavery.
- The abolition of slavery became a major cause of conflict between the North and the South, and it, including each state's right to decide whether to allow slavery, eventually led to the American Civil War (1861-1865).
- The first organized effort to oppose slavery occurred in 1775 when Benjamin Franklin and Dr. Benjamin Rush proved that slavery was contrary to the ideals of the Declaration of Independence and brought together the first anti-segregation group in Philadelphia.
- The founders included Thomas Payne and Alexander Hamilton.
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Internal conflict between work groups and teams is known as intergroup conflict.
d. learning is useful in allowing organisms to adapt to the environment.
Psychologists define learning as a relatively permanent change in behavior as a result of experience. Learning can be possible through vision, hearing, reading or writing, and kinesthetic. The statement that learning is useful in allowing an organism to adapt to the environment is influential because from the day an individual is born to death, every day we tend to learn each day either by imitating our elders or by modeling our role models.
Ethical Dimensions offers workshops which explore the multiple dimensions of ethics education. The exploration begins with a wide range of traditional concerns in areas such as codes and guidelines, confidentiality, informed consent, roles and boundaries, standards of practice, dual role relationship, and sexual misconduct. The journey then deepens and broadens into areas such as self-care, skillful communication, using power with heart, informed decision making and ethics as soul work.
Workshops interpret and present Ethics as Right Use of Power. All of the courses are held in the context of power and heart. Power is relational energy that either heals or is destructive. The forgotten beauty of power in ethics courses is often the side of power that is creative and wise ~ the side that promotes healing and empowerment. Learning to dance gracefully and skillfully within the web of our own power style is a lifetime journey. The experiential nature of the classroom experience provides a learning that is readily available in real life context. This approach guides you to a deeper connection with your own ethical nature and inner landscape.
<span>Ethical Dimensions offers continuing education for massage therapists, body workers,
</span><span>teachers and faculty on staff with massage therapy schools, and other health care providers. The educational offerings are useful to the novice as well as the seasoned practitioner. </span>