The revolution of 1848 benefited Louis Napoleon so much. When the election for Presidency was held, he filed a candidacy and won the election which made him the President of the Republic. The revolution of 1848 meant the end of the rule of King Louis Philippe.
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The correct answer is A.
Walter Rauschenbusch (1861-1918) was American theologian, professor and pastor in the Baptist church. He is known for his key role in the Social Gospel and 'Single Tax' movements.
The Social Gospel was a movement that applied Christian ethics to deal with social issues, mainly related to topics of social justice, such as income inequalities, labor issues, criminality, poverty, racial conflicts, slums, etc. In order to be sucessful, first is necessary to identify the problems and its causes, in this case the existence of bad living conditions and unnecessary deaths among the humblest sectors of the population.
After the arrival in the western hemisphere, paleo-indians migrated to the southern tip of south america and virtually everywhere in the western hemisphere.