Heritage means your past, like your ancestors. If you know your family tree, then that is your heritage.
Patriotism means love and loyalty to your country in America today.
I believe this because of what I feel towards my country. America is a place where people can express their opinions and beliefs freely, without fear of being jailed for it. Patriotism also means loving where you come from, and knowing that it will always be your home, even if you go to a different country.
Before dawn, on Wednesday, October 26, 1960, Martin Luther King Jr. was sleeping in a prison cell in DeKalb County, Georgia, when sheriff deputies aimed their flashlight beams into his face and barked at him to get up. They handcuffed him, shackled his legs, and hustled him out of the cell. It was 4 a.m. Hurried along, he asked repeatedly for an explanation, but the men said nothing. With a terrible foreboding, King soon found himself seated in the back of a police car rolling into the night; the only light came from the headlamps piercing the darkness.
Rome,italy was connected to chang'an
Joseph Stalin was a masterful, ruthless leader. Other than the Great Purge, where he systematically annihilated all political opponents, he also implemented the 5 year plan, which forced the USSR to adopt more western ideas when it comes to industry, electrical, and agricultural advances. He quickly grew it into a superpower