The United States government has many purposes including:
A) Protecting the rights of citizens.
B) Creating laws for citizens to follow.
C) Deciding how to use tax money.
Further Explanation:
The United States government has many different responsibilities. These responsibilities are divided among the three different branches of the federal government. This includes the legislative, executive, and judicial branches.
Ultimately, these three different branches work together to protect the rights of citizens and to develop institutions that allow for a safe and organized society. Each of the aforementioned branches has a different set of responsibilities in this system.
The responsibilities designated to each branch were an important part in creating our current US Constitution. The goal of the founding fathers was to create a system in which no one branch of the federal government had too much power.
Learn More:
Power of the different branches within the federal government -
Key Details:
Topic: American History, American Government
Grade Level: 7-12
Keywords: US government, federal government, rights
These usually result from wind and can travel hundreds of miles before they reach the shore.
This is a continuous directed movement of ocean water
Ocean Wave