The spent nuclear fuel is easy and safe to dispose of is not a potential problem of using more nuclear energy.
This isn’t a potential problem because the disposal is straightforward and can be done safely almost anywhere. However, final disposal would be best if done in a deep geological area.
The NDIC estimates that the annual costs of emergency department visits related to drug abuse are $161 million, with an additional $5.5 million in costs for those who have to be hospitalized
Las transiciones a la democracia se consideran con mayor frecuencia el resultado de procesos históricos de modernización. Los cambios socioeconómicos, como el aumento del PNB per cápita, los niveles de educación, la urbanización y las comunicaciones, se han encontrado tradicionalmente como correlatos o "requisitos" de la reforma democrática. Sin embargo, los tiempos de transición y el número de pasos de reforma no se han estudiado de manera exhaustiva.
Una democracia es un sistema político, o un sistema de toma de decisiones dentro de una institución u organización o un país, en el que todos los miembros tienen la misma participación en el poder. Las democracias modernas se caracterizan por dos capacidades que las diferencian fundamentalmente de formas anteriores de gobierno: la capacidad de intervenir en sus propias sociedades y el reconocimiento de su soberanía por un marco legalista internacional de estados igualmente soberanos. El gobierno democrático se yuxtapone comúnmente con sistemas oligárquicos y monárquicos, que están gobernados por una minoría y un único monarca, respectivamente.
In the 1200s, the way both European and East Asian society is pretty much the same. They both believed in the idea that there were a certain bloodline that must be obeyed the rest of the people and will be granted with the right to rule over them. There were basically no punishment for nobles who violate the rights of the commoners.
Even the way they operate their military is similar. They teach the value of 'Honor' to the soldiers as a basic principle in order to make them not afraid to sacrifice their lives in the battle field.
Between 1300 - 1600, European nations entered the renaissance period. The previous belief which made people think that nobles have the right to rule over everything were gradually changing. They started to developed the idea that the government should exist to protect the people, not the other way around. This was when the idea of democratic government started to expanded across Europe.
On the other hand, this idea just became popular in East Asia in mid 1500s. They also didn't get as much momentum as the one in Europe. As a result, East still adopted a very constricted view on human rights within this period and Government role's to protect it. Even in mid 1900s, japan still joined forces with the Nazi because they believed that they are destined to rule over Asia.