- Traffic fines : Discourage driving above speed limit by exposing the drivers to monetary loss in the forms of fines.
- Speed Humps: Discourage driving above speed limit by making the drivers more cautious and constantly reduce their speed to prevent the damage on their vehicles.
- Scholar patrol: Discourage driving above speed limit by sending out volunteers to physically watch the road and notify the drivers who go beyond speed limit.
- Arrive alive campaign : Creates social awareness for the drivers to watch their speed for the safety of others and their own.
- Social campaigns and creating speed humps require huge amount of government funding, which might reduce the allocation for other government programs.
- Traffic fines and Scholar patrol requires constant/direct human labor. This make it impossible for them to be operated 24/7.
Due to a shorted supply, there will be a shortage of rental properties
si cambia a medida del tiempo si lo haces frecuentemente podes desarrollar una mala postura de la misma.
I think like the super continent pangea or something like that
florida was under water tho