Arlington National Cemetery, Women In Military Service For America Memorial, Vietnam Veterans Memorial, World War II Memorial and U.S. Navy Memorial
Arlington National Cemetery, Women In Military Service For America Memorial, Vietnam Veterans Memorial, World War II Memorial and U.S. Navy Memorial are the events that took place in Washington D.C. on Veterans Day. These events were held in order to give tribute to the persons who have served in the United States Armed Forces by defending their country against enemies.
Every year, the Women in Military Service for America Memorial hosts a ceremony including formal military honors, a keynote address, veteran's remarks and a wreath laying. The ceremony is free and open to the public at the memorial which honors all women who have served courageously, selflessly and with dedication.
Evidence is relevant when it has a definite relationship to the claim. Notice that I said definite. The relationship does not have to be direct or clear, but it has to be there.
Answer: 9/11 ocurrió el 11 de septiembre en Washington.
Ese día era cuando unos terroristas vinieron a los Estados Unidos por avión y le dieron a las torres causando más de 3000+ de personas y policías murieron