Hi hope you have a good day/night!
It is one that
needs to be addressed with education, compassion, and support, not
government mandates.
Based on my prior knowledge of the word I would say C (unoriginal) is a pretty safe choice.
economía dirigida:
Una economía planificada es aquella en que se prescinde de un mercado o el mercado tiene un papel secundario para la asignación de recursos.
economía de mercado:
Por economía de mercado se entiende la organización, asignación de la producción y el consumo de bienes y servicios que surge del juego entre la oferta y la demanda
The moon doesn’t change shape. It actually stays the same. We see the moon change a different shape throughout the month which is what we know as the phases of the moon.
This is because the moon orbits around the earth, as the earth rotates on its axis. The shape we see is what is being reflected by the sun, you see 8 different shapes of the moon each month.