Grendel fears Hrothgar because of the Shaper. The Shaper has made Hrothgar so much more of a magnificent figure than he was before. In sense, the Shaper "shaped" Hrothgar's feats and reputation to a more amplified one, making Grendel fear the new and great Hrothgar by the skill of poetry and speech.
1G 2D 3J 4B 5H 6C 7E 8A 9F 10I
Its correct. I've had this before.
We need the list of behaviors
<h2>honestamente ... tal vez séptimo grado para mí, fue entonces cuando realmente tuve amigos de verdad ... no he tenido ninguno en un tiempo XD. </h2><h2>También utilicé un traductor para esto</h2><h2>...yo no es fluente en espanol-</h2>