DNA obj =new DNA;//obj object created dynamically.
DNA *dnaPtr=&obj.//dnaPtr to store the address of the object.
The above written statements are in C++.The DNA object is created dynamically and it is done in C++ by using new keyword which allocates the heap memory for the object.
Then a dnaPtr is created of type DNA so that it can store the address of the DNA objects.
True or they could get into your stuff.
If they are connected via bluetooth, you can share unlimited amounts of anything.
I added a decimal format to keep all decimals within the hundredths place. I also changed the calcTip method to void and the argument to a double. Void means the method doesn't return anything and changing bill to type double let's us pass numbers with decimals to the calcTip method. I hope this helps!
It kinda depends on what you mean by special characters