Hissing tongues or unblest kisses. one of them. sorry i cant be of more help
Correct sentence: The weather guy said that it was supposed to rain, but I don't see a drop coming from the sky yet!
A comma is needed to separate the independent clause after rain. - True.
A comma is needed to correctly punctuate the compound sentence- True
Emika Chen is a teenage hacker who hacks into an opening ceremony game, to earn cash quick. She accidentially glitches <em>into</em> the game. Once the creator, Hideo Tanaka, sees, he flies her out to Tokyo, to catch a hacker, who is trying to stop Hideo's plans. Emika, get's drafted onto a Warcross team, to hide in plain sight. Emika and Hideo form a relationship, far more than business. She has to stop Zero, the hacker, from ruining the Warcross empire. But, that's not what it's all about. Emika, finds out Hideo's true plans, and she finds out what Zero's goals are. She also finds out Zero's identity; Sasuke Tanaka, Hideo's kidpanned brothere. She has to decide which side to take.
It leaves the first book on a cliffhanger!!
The rise of the Ancient Greece
B. I often go away on the weekend