If Beowulf was killed he wanted him to bequeaths his own sword to Unferth.
The cat which, was white and fluffy,
Hey there!
Your answer is "In this brief fraction of a moment they take the first step toward performing a metamorphosis that changes people from a group into a mob."
Foreshadowing is a literary element that writers use to give a sign about a future event that may occur. Therefore, this is the correct answer, because it tells about a future event or gives a sign about.
Have a super awesome day! :)
What is the prompt asking you to do?
The prompt is asking you to write an esplanatory essay on sunflowers to your calssmates, teachers, and parents for the Go Green Initiative.
What information do you need to gather to be able to answer this prompt effectively?
Try going to a botany site with information on sunflowers. Make sure its a crediable site like .edu, .gov, or sometimes, .org.