Needless or unconscious reading
My parents playing with me and my cat
I got to spend more time with my cat! I usually don't because life is so busy, but when the virus hit I could slow down and spend more time with my parents and cat! So one day we took some time and played and gave some treats to my cat then we watched a nice movie.
My phone has is a dark grey color, has 2 small circle cameras, no home button, and is a medium sized phone
Justice is not served to the wealthy the same way it is to the poor.
The quote we are studying here is an excerpt from "King Lear", by Shakespeare. It is exposing the different treatment given to rich and poor when it comes to justice. According to this quote, the rich get away with anything, never truly having to own up to their crimes, vices, or mistakes. The lance of justice breaks when it tries to pierce their fancy robes. In other words, money can buy impunity. On the other hand, the poor are easily punished, maybe even more than they truly deserve. A straw can pierce their rags. No matter how small their crime, they are surely going to pay for it with much more suffering than that crime really called for.
Role of soil in agriculture and its formation process.
Soil is usually the upper layer of Earth in which the growth of most plants takes place. Soil is characterized as a ‘hot bed’ which is a mixture of minerals, air, water, insects, worms, and billions of bacteria.
Soil is the most important aspect of agriculture and also the main source of nutrients needed for the growth of plants which feed us. It takes approximately 500 years to generate 2.5 centimeters of soil in a dried up or parched area.