This bar graph shows tuition as a percent of public education revenue by state in 2012. The average in the United States is 47%
of tuition. The lowest is 13.89% in Wyoming and the highest is 85.1% in Vermont. From highest to lowest percentage: Vermont, New Hampshire, Delaware, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Michigan, South Dakota, South Carolina, Rhode Island, Virginia, Ohio, Minnesota, Alabama, Iowa, Oregon, Indiana, Maine, West Virginia, Montana, New Jersey, Arizona, Maryland, Massachusetts, Kansas, Missouri, North Dakota, Connecticut, Mississippi, Utah, Tennessee, Kentucky, Wisconsin, Washington, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Nebraska, Florida, Arkansas, Texas, Idaho, Georgia, New York, Nevada, Illinois, Hawaii, North Carolina, Alaska, California, New Mexico, and Wyoming.
Based on the graph, what is the difference in tuition as a percentage of public higher education revenue between Wyoming and Vermont? Would you rather be a college student in Wyoming or Vermont? Explain your answer. Generally speaking, what do you think these statistics tell you about each state’s attitude toward higher education?