B. The Outback.
The Outback is the correct word.
It is true that the supreme court has ruled that classifications based on gender are subject to a lower level of scrutiny than classifications based on race.
Transportation and telecommunications
The organization of the transportation network is of crucial importance to Congo, a country of continental dimensions, rich economic resources, and limited maritime access. Congo’s generally poor transportation infrastructure is a major factor in its economic underdevelopment, a situation exacerbated by years of civil conflict. The Congo River and its tributaries, historically a chief means of transportation in the country, serve as the main transport arteries. These rivers are supplemented by rail, road, and both private and public air services.
"Independent Variable: Use of calculators
Dependent Variable: How fast student worked math problem
Control: Group not using calculators
Constant: Same math problem"
Independent variable: In research, the term "independent variable" is described as a variable that is being changed by a researcher to see its effects on the dependent variable. Independent variable isn't changed by any variable a researcher is trying to evaluate or measure.
Dependent variable: It is being tested by the researcher, and tends to represent a specific quantity whose value is dependent on some manipulations i.e., any changes being made onto the independent variable will hamper the dependent variable directly.
Control group: It is composed of specific participants that don't receive the "experimental treatment". When a researcher is administering an experiment, these participants are being randomly assigned to the given group.